Friday, October 08, 2004

Paging John Kerry's Earpiece

"Mr. President, I did see the same intelligence you saw. And I did vote to give you the discretion to use force in Iraq... because you looked me, the rest of the Congress and the American people in the eye and said, ‘We KNOW there are chemical and nuclear weapons. We KNOW there are ties to al-Qaeda.’ But you were dealing from a stacked deck, made of carefully selected but mostly discredited intelligence. You were going to steamroll us into war and you were going to say anything you had to in order to get us all on board. We believed you because you looked us in the eye and said you had proof. Well, there's an old saying, Mr. President: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The American people won't be fooled by you again."

"There is no accountability and no responsibility taken for anything in your administration. If the buck doesn’t stop on the president’s desk, it’s time to get a new president."

"Saying the war was worth it doesn’t make it so. Saying there was imminent danger doesn’t make it so. Saying you’ve made the world safer doesn’t make it so. It's The Emperor’s New Clothes: You may once have had a thousand media sycophants fawning over the glittering threads of your war argument, but now you are naked--and everyone knows it."

"While we're on the subject of childhood fables, another one springs to mind: The Boy Who Cried Wolf. We claimed Iraq had an arsenal of devastating weapons as a justification for war. What happens when we see real proof of such programs elsewhere, and take our claims to the world? Aren’t they likely to be much more skeptical than they would have been had we been more thorough in preparing the case against Iraq?"


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